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Balloon Parties 

The following Balloon Bodies of work play off of one another. 

"Party of One", is the precursor to "When the Party is Over"

Gillian is currently collecting old or used party supplies of any kind. Please contact her to donate your supplies and help continue the party!

Party of One (2020)

Party of One (2020)

The year 2020 has been difficult for everyone for a multitude of reasons. At some points during this past year, it just felt like a revolving door of negativity and cancelations. The surge of Covid-19 has made it difficult for me to have the human interaction I need to keep me sane. The combination of all these unfortunate event ultimately led me to throwing a multitude of pity parties for myself to get over and through the difficulties of this year. "Party of One" was inspired by all the gatherins, festivals, and celebrations that were canceled, and the pity parties I threw as a result. 

I installed this piece along a county road in Decatur, TX. People were welcome to stop and join me however I ultimately sat theere alone for a few hours. Using an aluminum greenhouse frame and 300+ balloons I wanted to be able to bring joy to people during this weird time. 

When the Party is Over (2021)

When the Party is Over (2021)
Balloons, Safety Pins, Party Hat, Trash Bag, Leaves, Pushpins

Previously in December of 2020, I created a piece I titled, Party of One. In Party of One I covered an old aluminum greenhouse frame with 300+ colorful balloons twisted together. It was inspired by all the gatherings and celebrations that were canceled due to Coronavirus, and the pity parties I threw for myself to feel better instead. Party of One was meant to be uplifting and something positive in times of such negativity, but there always comes a point in time when the party’s over and we must return back to reality.


When the Party’s Over consists of all the leftover deflated balloons from Party of One, the trash bag I used to clean them up with, and my party hat. By tying the balloons together, similar to when they were inflated, I was able to create a similar web like structure in the corner of a room. In this piece I sat underneath the deflated balloons and then ultimately was forced to clean them up and end the party. Some of the balloons are attached together with safety pins as a last resort effort to keep the party going. When the Party’s Over makes reference to the return back to reality after a period of time where one is able to escape reality, in this case a party. I created this piece to reflect on how I feel when I’m forced to return back to my own reality during my final semester of college; overwhelmed, stressed, and constantly being pulled in a million different directions.

©2020 by GHcreates.

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